torsdag den 29. december 2011

And it happened in those days ...

(A sentence such as Christmas tales usually start with.)

At the moment I`m studying beside my work, and to make me sit still, when I have a theory class, I have taken up embroider, which seems quite excellent for that

The textile is quite rough, which I think is funny to an embroidery, which normally is a delicate thing, I would not claim that precision is an asset of mine, as embroider challenge my patience, so the design occurs as I sew, in order to ensure balance in the composition, I'll draw up the pattern next time.

It is not finish yet, but close
Christmas kitsuke

onsdag den 9. november 2011

Kantan haneri - easy collar

Made this drawing with dimensions after a request, maybe others can use it too.

søndag den 16. oktober 2011

A small kimono challenge #5

Iinspired by the this blog and several other blogges I have taken up this challenge too.

Here is the challenge/things to do:
Requirement: at least one pic or video in every post...!

1. How did I hear about kimonos& first kitsuke toughts and stuff
2. My dearest kimono item(s)
3. My most used kimono item(s) (not counting jubans, datejimes etc.)
4. My least used kimono item(s)
5. My favourite coordination(s) so far
6. What things I like and what not in kimonos(&why)
7. Kimono confessions. Did you know that...
8. The massive want-to-buy-list(or in this situation what-I-would-like-to-buy-but-don't-have-enought-money-or-any-occassion-to-wear-it-list)
9. My biggest fears&wishes what comes to kimonos
10. My biggest inspirations in kimonos
11. My kimono collection
12. The evolution of my kitsuke

My Favourite coordination so far?

Guess it is this one, I like the different patterns and the dark magenta obijime contributing with a little life

tirsdag den 4. oktober 2011

A small kimono challenge #4

Iinspired by the this blog and several other blogges I have taken up this challenge too.

Here is the challenge/things to do:
Requirement: at least one pic or video in every post...!

1. How did I hear about kimonos& first kitsuke toughts and stuff
2. My dearest kimono item(s)
3. My most used kimono item(s) (not counting jubans, datejimes etc.)
4. My least used kimono item(s)
5. My favourite coordination(s) so far
6. What things I like and what not in kimonos(&why)
7. Kimono confessions. Did you know that...
8. The massive want-to-buy-list(or in this situation what-I-would-like-to-buy-but-don't-have-enought-money-or-any-occassion-to-wear-it-list)
9. My biggest fears&wishes what comes to kimonos
10. My biggest inspirations in kimonos
11. My kimono collection
12. The evolution of my kitsuke

My least used items?
Since I have several kimonos I only use for display or want to remake - this is an easy challenge ; )

This is a Juban for a furisode, I do not own a Furisode but I realy like the juban,
and maybe one day I`ll buy one even that I official to old ; )

Since I never go out in my Kimono`s these have not been in use...yet

This Maru obi Is very thick and tremendously soft, I have not had
reson to vear it, and I not sure how to vear it

This is one I use  for display since it is too small, but I loove the pattern

A small kimono challenge #3

Iinspired by the this blog and several other blogges I have taken up this challenge too.

Here is the challenge/things to do:
Requirement: at least one pic or video in every post...!

1. How did I hear about kimonos& first kitsuke toughts and stuff
2. My dearest kimono item(s)
3. My most used kimono item(s) (not counting jubans, datejimes etc.)
4. My least used kimono item(s)
5. My favourite coordination(s) so far
6. What things I like and what not in kimonos(&why)
7. Kimono confessions. Did you know that...
8. The massive want-to-buy-list(or in this situation what-I-would-like-to-buy-but-don't-have-enought-money-or-any-occassion-to-wear-it-list)
9. My biggest fears&wishes what comes to kimonos
10. My biggest inspirations in kimonos
11. My kimono collection
12. The evolution of my kitsuke

My most used items?
Many of my items, I have only used once, now when I write it here it seems a little crazy, but it is a fact.

Ones more til this Han-eri because of the structure and that it is reversible. 

and yet again this kimono, wich I have used so many times that it is out of number.

What else hmmm....

My denim kimono, it is a little to big in the sides, but it so comfortable and is washable.

onsdag den 14. september 2011

A small kimono challenge #2

Iinspired by the this blog and several other blogges I have taken up this challenge too.

Here is the challenge/things to do:
Requirement: at least one pic or video in every post...!

1. How did I hear about kimonos& first kitsuke toughts and stuff
2. My dearest kimono item(s)
3. My most used kimono item(s) (not counting jubans, datejimes etc.)
4. My least used kimono item(s)
5. My favourite coordination(s) so far
6. What things I like and what not in kimonos(&why)
7. Kimono confessions. Did you know that...
8. The massive want-to-buy-list(or in this situation what-I-would-like-to-buy-but-don't-have-enought-money-or-any-occassion-to-wear-it-list)
9. My biggest fears&wishes what comes to kimonos
10. My biggest inspirations in kimonos
11. My kimono collection
12. The evolution of my kitsuke

So what's my favorite items?
I really like the pattern is subtle and yet something happens, and it has a structure which gives a touch of elegance and quality, and so it is reversible. 

This is one of the kimono I have that I enjoy to look at, think it is very beautiful with it`s bold, highly visible flower and stribes, the clear separation of the colors red, blue and white.

and this one too... to look at, it is way too small for me...  ant it beautiful

And this one.. made of linen, probably the most used kimono I have, because with a pair of jeans I use it in everyday life ; )

Of my Obi`s I really like this one, it`s a summer chuya, I like that the Patten is airy and made in a way so that it is easy to make a nice musubi.

This is a Hanabana I like the fishpattern and the kind of rough texture it have

søndag den 11. september 2011

Newmade Han-eri in use

So my former tablecloth has become a beautiful Han-eri, as least I think.

lørdag den 10. september 2011

A small kimono challenge #1

Iinspired by the this blog and several other blogges I will take up this challenge too.

Here is the challenge/things to do:
Requirement: at least one pic or video in every post...!

1. How did I hear about kimonos& first kitsuke toughts and stuff
2. My dearest kimono item(s)
3. My most used kimono item(s) (not counting jubans, datejimes etc.)
4. My least used kimono item(s)
5. My favourite coordination(s) so far
6. What things I like and what not in kimonos(&why)
7. Kimono confessions. Did you know that...
8. The massive want-to-buy-list(or in this situation what-I-would-like-to-buy-but-don't-have-enought-money-or-any-occassion-to-wear-it-list)
9. My biggest fears&wishes what comes to kimonos
10. My biggest inspirations in kimonos
11. My kimono collection
12. The evolution of my kitsuke

My father's interest in Japanese / Asian food and "health understanding/thinking", I guess was the first way into a world of art and style, for me drawings was the thing and through this the thoughts/spirit behind, and then color - materials - clothing.

After a trip to tokyo it expanded and I bought some kimonos, only for display on the wall or to remodel (which I never did).

Search, purchase and curiosity, I began to grow an interest for the actual kitsuke itself as something I could do too, an interst wich is quite new.

My first attemt in yukata and kimono are like this: 

lørdag den 3. september 2011

my package arrived - so much stuff

So my surface package has arrived, like Christmas it has been, will uploade pix tomorrow, have divided everything for me to keep, selling and giveaway. 

For the selling I have made myself a Etsy account, had to give up ebay, since Denmark do not have its own ebay, I tried, would not accept my shipping, thought I could write the shipping i the text like I hav seen others do, but no  : (

This stuff I have chosen for myself:

Fore something else present and stuf:

These and more are for selling on Esty



tirsdag den 16. august 2011

Han-Eri - going to to be

have been in the secondhandstore and found these pieces, a tablecloth, a tray hang and a shirt, expect to be able to turn them all in to interesting Han-eri`s

mandag den 1. august 2011

New stuff - again

Found this Hitoe and I was the only bidder how nice is that : )

and this Ro-obi and nagoya

Think I can make a combi of that 

torsdag den 7. juli 2011

Tsumori Chisato yukata`s - love it

All this lovely yukata`s and more was sold at noppin taday, I`am trying to take care of my future finances so I only looked, but oooh  I find the first 3 of them exceptional nice. 
All is Tsumori Chisato design




Here is a pix of one of the Yukata I own, it is a bit too small but it is possible to extend it, for now I will just use it at home, never go out in it.