søndag den 16. oktober 2011

A small kimono challenge #5

Iinspired by the this blog and several other blogges I have taken up this challenge too.

Here is the challenge/things to do:
Requirement: at least one pic or video in every post...!

1. How did I hear about kimonos& first kitsuke toughts and stuff
2. My dearest kimono item(s)
3. My most used kimono item(s) (not counting jubans, datejimes etc.)
4. My least used kimono item(s)
5. My favourite coordination(s) so far
6. What things I like and what not in kimonos(&why)
7. Kimono confessions. Did you know that...
8. The massive want-to-buy-list(or in this situation what-I-would-like-to-buy-but-don't-have-enought-money-or-any-occassion-to-wear-it-list)
9. My biggest fears&wishes what comes to kimonos
10. My biggest inspirations in kimonos
11. My kimono collection
12. The evolution of my kitsuke

My Favourite coordination so far?

Guess it is this one, I like the different patterns and the dark magenta obijime contributing with a little life

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