mandag den 30. april 2012

Sakura Festival 2012

This is actually my first festival, but Denmark's fifth.

The weather was mixed and really wet and cold on Saturday, so the wool kimono I wore that day, was truly

The shawl is a gift from a friend of mine, whose aunt have knitted it, it fits perfectly into a kimono, since there are sleeves in.

 The second day, I participated in the kimono show, the clothes is my own, but styled for the show, there there 38 participants, and it was amassing to see how smooth it went with the dressing, make-up ect. it was organised really well.


It was so could that you could see your own breath.

Finally the sun came.

We had also had a kimono Jack meeting there : )

And one for the back...

An acquaintance of mine who also participated in the show

Here the hole group

Sitserhood of the Travelling Kimono

Jeg vil henlede opmærksomheden på en spændene projekt som løber af stablen her det kommende år.

En kimono, bliver sendt rundt i hele verden, hvor de enkelte deltagere, så skal dresse den up efter egen stil og smag, tage et billed, stemple dens pas og sende den videre til den næste deltager.

Her i første runde kommer Kimono`en til følgende lande:
Spain, Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Romania, Poland, Denmark, Finland, Russia, Japan, Usa

På projektets hjemmesiden vil løbende blive skabt et galleri, hvor aller de forskellige kombinationer vil blive udstillet.

Læs eller se mere på: eller projektets kommende hjemmeside

søndag den 15. april 2012


Yesterday I was at first rehearsal for the upcoming kimono show the Sakura Festival here in Copenhagen, some tried kimono `s and other's tested hair style, it was nice.

I do not think that I ever have had so styled and fine hair, which was quite fun to try.

søndag den 1. april 2012

Going retro - New stuf

God bargains on Yahoo Autions J...again....

And I got this Haori - only the Haori, but isent it beautiful.
The set is very nice too, but I behaved, which is quite simple, when one is 176cm and the kimono is 143cm, the obi was gorgeous but rather expensive.

From this is the seller

This is to small, but I need it for something else

Those old obis, are in a terrible state, but I like the style  lot, so I will see if can make something out of them.

Then I have bought a lot of fabric, which I look forward to change the kimonos in my own size