søndag den 21. oktober 2012

It is possible, a obi to wide

So I tried my new Tsumugi  from Ichiroya at this Kimono Jack meetup.

I had made a new obi, and the obi-shin was much better than the other one I used for the Pool obi, this one was a medium thickness, from Kimono Poncho  real nice.

I made the obi a little wider than the others I have, but I forgot when I put it on, I also widen it there, so all together it became a little tooo wide.

The obi dome is a swan made of dark plastic

søndag den 14. oktober 2012

Uroko print

I attended a printing class today, what a pleasure : D and much more difficult to get the same colour expression, than I remember.

the fabric is going to be full printed, with a triangle here and there with out colour. The fabric is a Silk Tsumugi bolt and of cause for a kimono.